The Roland Gaia 2:
Since I discovered the YouTube channel “Scott’s Synth Stuff” , I regularly visit
His channel to see what’s new. He did a full review on this synth and I wanted one ever since. I buy almost all of my gear AFTER doing heavy research on the internet. After his review Scott made a follow up video with all included sounds . After listening through these sounds I just wanted to get me one.
A bit low on financial resources I had to wait for a while BUT the music shop where I buy 99% of my gear surprised my with a coupon of 250€ so I used that to buy the GAIA 2 with a huge discount :-)
I ‘ll give the honours to Scott to let him do the review, he does this (like always) in his most enthusiastic way over a product as could be. Enjoy both of his video’s concerning this beast of a synth. For your interest, if you want to do more research on the Gaia 2 here is a result page on YouTube